How can I become a QOVF Sponsor Partner?
We would love for you to be a Sponsor Partner. Please email to further discuss how you would like to support our Mission.
Is Quilts of Valor® protected by law or trademark?
Yes. Our name, trademarks, registered marks and logos belong to us. You must receive written permission to use any of these items.
How does a Group obtain permission to use the QOV marks?
QOVF® marks are for official use only and protected by trademark laws. They are no different than Nike® or other corporation's marks.
Group Leaders may request permission for use by using the Member Sign In and then Member Dashboard (at the top of this page) and filling out the Trademark Use Request form
How do I get a copy of your latest IRS Form 990?
For the most recent copy of our IRS Form 990, member can Sign In to Member Dashboard (at the top of this page). Once signed in, you will see the IRS Form 990.
How may I contact you?
If I called, emailed or faxed, how long should I wait for a response?
We ask that you give us 5-7 business days to respond. If by the 10th day, there is no a response, please send an email to
I tried to call the QOVF office but it always goes to voice mail – why?
Our 10,000 member organization has limited paid staff. Our phone system is automated and calls are directed via transcript to the appropriate staff or a volunteer who has offered to respond to specific subjects of inquiry. Please leave a clear message and indicate if you will receive text to the number in the message. We will respond within 5-7 business days. We thank you for your patience.
What is The QOVF Definition of Valor?
The dictionary definition of Valor says, “great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle.” Why does QOVF award to those who were not wounded or did not face combat? Our Founder, Catherine Roberts, was a Blue Star Mother. While her son was in service, she wanted to know that someone cared about him; she wanted to tell other Service Members that she cared about them. Quilts of Valor began as way to express gratitude for today’s all volunteer, modern military. You can consider it in this way: for a mother, their child is agreeing to sacrifice their life to protect our freedoms and way of life. We believe that Valor in a volunteer military is giving up your rights to freedom for a term of service in order to ensure the safety of our nation and population. Courage is facing an unknown future, but moving forward anyway.
What does "Touched By War" mean?
Only Service Members or Veterans of the Armed Forces know what “touched by war” means to them, whether they have been “touched by war,” and some may not wish to share their experiences. We honor their wishes and do not judge. Service Members and Veterans may be “touched by war” or affected by war in direct and indirect ways, sometimes with long-lasting impact. Click here to read more.