Nominations & Awards

The QOVF Mission

The Quilt of Valor® Foundation appreciates the service and sacrifice of those who are serving or have served in the Armed Forces and protect our freedoms. In 2003, Catherine Roberts, the QOVF Founder, created the concepts that underpin the QOVF mission statement:

To cover Service Members and Veterans touched by war
with comforting and healing Quilts of Valor.

Nominate a Service Member or Living Veteran

Awarding a Service Member or Living Veteran a Quilt of Valor® Foundation is a shared responsibility of the nominator and the QOVF Volunteer. To further explain the concepts behind the mission statement and help you with the nomination process, please read the Frequently Asked Questions and our privacy policy before submitting a nomination.



Reporting a Quilt of Valor® Award

Please use this form for reporting the following types of QOV awards:

  • QOVs you have awarded through local requests
  • QOVs you have made and awarded

Multiple awards from one event may be reported all at once. If your award was made at the request of a State Coordinator or other QOV Coordinator, do not report on this form.  Please contact them directly and let them know the award has been completed.


The focus of the Mission is to cover all Nominees as quickly as possible in the order received.  However, factors such as the era of service, life circumstances and Nominee’s health are taken into consideration during the prioritization process.