Kay Miller was born in Monroe, Michigan in November 1963. She graduated from Coronado High School in Colorado Springs, Colorado in 1982. Joined the U.S. Navy in March 1986 and retired as a Navy Yeoman Chief Petty Officer from Pearl Harbor, Hawaii in August 2006 after serving 20 years. Kay relocated to Southern Indiana in March 2007 when her husband also retired from the Navy as a Navy Chief Petty Officer. She currently works as a HR Specialist at Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane, which is about 18 miles Southwest of Bloomington, Indiana. She has earned a Bachelor’s in Business Management and a Master’s in Human Resources.
In 2002, Kay became a self-taught quilter and long armer while still learning many new tricks and new techniques.
Kay became interested in the Quilts of Valor project for many reasons. Both of her sons served in the U.S. Navy and her love for quilting and giving back to those who have given so much for this great country.
Kay has spoken at various Veterans organized events and local quilt guilds all over Southern Indiana to share her experiences and to reach out to the community for continued support. Since that first trip, she has presented over 500 quilts to our service members from WWII through now.