Nomination for a Service Member or Living Veteran who has been Touched by War for a Quilt of Valor® I certify that I have read the QOVF Mission Statement and all of the information on the previous page about nominating a service member or veteran for a Quilt of Valor* Yes, I have read the mission statement and information No, I haven't read it yet To my knowledge, this recipient has been "touched by war" and a Quilt of Valor would bring comfort and healing.* Yes No I don't know To my knowledge, this recipient has not been previously awarded a Quilt of Valor.* Has not been awarded a Quilt of Valor Has been awarded a Quilt of Valor I don't know This Quilt of Valor is not intended as a "surprise" or a gift for a birthday, anniversary, retirement, or other celebration.* I agreeI certify that the information I am providing for this nomination is accurate.* Yes the information is accurate CAPTCHA