FAQ: LongArmy

by | Jul 29, 2020 | Archive

What is a Longarmer?

Quilts are made in three layers: a top which is normally made of pieced fabric to form a pattern or design. It is then layered with the middle section, the batting that provides the warmth. These two layers are then fitted with a backing which is normally a single piece of fabric that provides the stability of the quilt. These three layers are stitched together (quilted) to form a complete quilt.

Industrial sewing (longarm) machines are used to stitch the sewing designs onto the quilt. They are expensive and require a large space to operate. Most longarm owners (longarmers) operate small businesses from their homes or shops. Sewers, who make the quilt tops (toppers), request to be “paired” with a longarm owner QOVF member who has volunteered to quilt tops for QOVF. QOVF maintains and manages a nationwide network and database of longarmers. QOVF registered members (toppers) can request quilting services from the QOVF LongArmy network.

How do I Volunteer for The LongArmy?

We welcome all those who longarm or machine quilt.  If you are already a QOVF member or want someone to contact you, Complete this short form.

If you're ready, then Join the QOVF LongArmy.