State Coordinator

I live in Anthem, Arizona with my husband, Joe. We have been married for over 50 years and have three grown children and 9 grandchildren. We moved from Southern California in 2016, after my mom passed away.

I have always been interested in the military. My father and his brother served in the Army during WWII, another uncle and two of my cousins served in the Navy, one on a submarine. I always listened intently as they talked about their life in the military.

A very dear friend introduced me to quilting in the early 1990’s. It quickly became one of my favorite things to do.

Community service has been my passion for most of my life. It began when I was little, I would help my mother serve cake once a month at a convalescent home and continues to this day.

My volunteer activities included, carrying the American Flag for a Color Guard and Drum Core; organizing an annual charity golf tournament while I worked at a police department; serving on a Women’s Ministry Board at my church; participating in Boy Scouts and Little League committees, just to name a few.

Now that I am retired, my volunteer activities include weekly baking for a men’s group, teaching a weekly women’s Bible Study, and sewing pillowcases for the local Veteran’s hospital. I belong to two quilt guilds and am the leader of the Daisy Mountain QOV group.

After hearing a presentation about Quilts of Valor, I knew right away it was the organization that I wanted to be a part of. What better way to say thank you to our Veterans than to cover them with “comforting and healing Quilts of Valor.” I started our QOV group in early 2023 with 12 members.

I love hosting “sew days” at my home and talking to people about Quilts of Valor. I enjoy “working” at a QOV booth at farmer’s markets and craft shows.

I am truly honored to be a part of Quilts of Valor. My team and I have awarded QOVs to Veterans from WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, and the Global War on Terror, plus active-duty service members. Every time I do an award presentation, I am in awe of the amazing men and women who are so humbled by receiving a QOV.